Do you want to own the house of your dreams right now? OCB is here to help you make your dream of purchasing or building a home, as well as restoring and repairing it, a reality by providing a comprehensive package of financial solutions that includes a number of alluring incentives and flexible lending methods.
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Đối tượng khách hàng
Young people between the ages of 25 and 40 who are employed at organizations or agencies whose primary source of revenue comes from pay transfers made through credit institutions
Loan term
Loan period up to 360 months
Grace period
Original grace period up to 60 months
Maximum funding rate
Up to 100% of capital requirement
For collateral as Real Estate with Certificate: lending rate up to 80% of collateral value
Loan repayment method
Monthly interest on a declining balance
Principal to be paid in installments or by tiered monthly/quarterly method
Preferential interest rate
Preferential interest rates from only 8.49%/year
Simple and flexible proof according to the customer's income