Online card service

Card function on OCB OMNI helps customers easily manage card transactions and various online utilities without going to an OCB branch.

Outstanding utilities

  • Safe and secure card information and transactions, according to PCIDSS standards
  • Actively look up and transact cards anytime, anywhere
  • Quickly and easily manage cards without going to the counter
  • Register to open a card quickly

Product features

Look up Card information
Look up all Card information, transaction history or Card statement of all types of Cards at OCB

Paying card balance
Support to pay off credit card balances at OCB of customers and others
Card Activation
Completely Online Activation of New Card or actively Activate Credit Card as a Virtual Card to use for online shopping immediately without using a physical Card
Support Set a PIN for the first time or Reset a new PIN for all Cards at OCB completely online without going to an OCB branch
Card Lock
Customers can actively Lock Card quickly when necessary on OCB OMNI
Cancel online payment
When the online purchase (ecommerce) feature of the Card is not on demand, customers can lock this feature on OCB OMNI
Register for credit card transaction installments
Easily convert shopping transactions with Credit Cards into installment loans with diverse terms and preferential interest rates right on OCB OMNI
Online Card opening
Customers can register to Open Card completely online and free of charge (Applicable to a number of customers who meet OCB's conditions from time to time)
Log in on Website or Download and log in OCB OMNI mobile device


Online customer identification, no face-to-face meeting required
1Log in on Website or Download and log in OCB OMNI mobile device
2Select the product “Card”
3Select the corresponding function to use
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Customer support