FX Spot Transaction

FX Spot Transaction

FX Spot transaction is a binding obligation to buy or sell a certain amount of foreign currency between Customers and OCB at the market spot rate and to be delivered within two business days from the transaction date
Targeted clients
  • Corporates
  • Individuals 

Features of product

Currency pairs
Tenor of payment
  • Today.
  • On the next working day (tom).
  • After 02 working days from the transaction date.
  • Payment date of the FX spot must not come 02 working days before the the payment date according to the customer’s documents.
  • Customers have to deposit for the transactions as OCB’s regulations. 


  • Meeting the needs to buy and sell the foreign currencies in order to serve Corporate Customers, such as import and export payments, foreign loan repayments, foreign investments, remittances, etc.
  • Meeting the needs to buy and sell the foreign currencies in order to serve Individuals Customers, such as Business trips, Study Oversea, Medical travel, Tourism, etc.
  • Competitive exchange rates.
  • Simple and fast documents processing.

Document required

  • Spot contract
  • Supporting documents
*For further information, do not hesitate to contact freely our Customer Service Center via hotline (24/7) 1800 6678 or OCB nearest branches

Registration procedure

Please kindly fill in the form with your information, we will contact you in soonest time.
Customer support